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Start on Wormhole

Writing the Contract

First, head over to this GitHub template and create a new repository using it.

Clone the repository and set up the starter code in your workspace:

git clone<your username>/xToken.git
cd xToken/
npm i

Don’t worry about the deployment scripts and tests; we’ve got you covered. 🎉 Now, let’s get to the fun part—bridging tokens!

Step 1: Setting Up the Basics 📝

Kick things off by declaring the license and importing the necessary libraries:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;
import "wormhole-solidity-sdk/WormholeRelayerSDK.sol";

Just like in our Cross Chain Mailbox tutorial, we’re using the wormhole-solidity-sdk for seamless cross-chain functionality.

Step 2: Crafting the Function Signature 🛠️

Now, let’s define the function that will handle the cross-chain deposit quotes:

   function quoteCrossChainDeposit(uint16 targetChain) public view returns (uint256 cost) {
// Function Body

This function is public and read-only, meaning it won’t alter the blockchain’s state. It accepts a uint16 parameter, targetChain, and returns a uint256 variable named cost.

Step 3: Introducing Local Variables 📦

uint256 deliveryCost;

Within the function, go ahead and declare a local variable named deliveryCost of type uint256. This variable will store the expense associated with transferring the token and payload to the designated chain.

Step 4: Fetch the Delivery Cost 📬

(deliveryCost,) = wormholeRelayer.quoteEVMDeliveryPrice(targetChain, 0, GAS_LIMIT);

Utilize the quoteEVMDeliveryPrice method from the wormholeRelayer object to fetch the delivery cost. This function requires three arguments: targetChain, 0, and GAS_LIMIT. The result will be stored in deliveryCost.

Step 5: Crunching the Numbers for Total Cost 🧮

Now, let’s compute the total cost of the cross-chain deposit by summing up deliveryCost and wormhole.messageFee().

function quoteCrossChainDeposit(uint16 targetChain) public view returns (uint256 cost) {
  uint256 deliveryCost;
   (deliveryCost,) = wormholeRelayer.quoteEVMDeliveryPrice(targetChain, 0, GAS_LIMIT);
   cost = deliveryCost + wormhole.messageFee();

Step 6: Function Signature and Cost Calculation 🖋️

Begin by setting the function signature to public payable and outline its parameters. Then, invoke the quoteCrossChainDeposit function to obtain the total cost for the cross-chain deposit.

function sendCrossChainDeposit(
    uint16 targetChain,
    address targetHelloToken,
    address recipient,
    uint256 amount,
    address token
) public payable {
    uint256 cost = quoteCrossChainDeposit(targetChain);

Use the require statement to confirm that the Ether sent (msg.value) aligns with the quoted cost. This validation ensures that the user has dispatched the accurate amount of Ether to cover the transaction fees.

require(msg.value == cost, "msg.value must be quoteCrossChainDeposit(targetChain)");

Step 7: Token Transfer and Payload Encoding 🔄

IERC20(token).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount);

Leverage the transferFrom function from the IERC20 interface to move tokens from the sender to this contract. Next, encode the recipient address into bytes using abi.encode.

bytes memory payload = abi.encode(recipient);

Step 8: Sending Tokens and Payload to Target Chain 🚀


Utilize the sendTokenWithPayloadToEvm function to dispatch the token and payload to the destination chain. Pass in all the necessary parameters like targetChain, targetHelloToken, payload, 0 for receiver value, GAS_LIMIT, token, and amount.

Step 9: Internal Function with Security Measures 🛡️

function receivePayloadAndTokens(
   bytes memory payload,
   TokenReceived[] memory receivedTokens,
   bytes32, // sourceAddress
   uint16,  // sourceChain
   bytes32  // deliveryHash
) internal override onlyWormholeRelayer {
   require(receivedTokens.length == 1, "Expected 1 token transfers");

Declare the function as internal and override, and specify its parameters. Add the onlyWormholeRelayer modifier to make sure that only the Wormhole Relayer can invoke this function. Use a require statement to validate that only a single token transfer occurs in the receivedTokens array.

Step 10: Decoding Payload and Final Transfer 📦

address recipient = abi.decode(payload, (address));

Decode the payload to retrieve the recipient address using abi.decode. Then, execute the transfer function from the IERC20 interface to send the received token to the designated recipient.

IERC20(receivedTokens[0].tokenAddress).transfer(recipient, receivedTokens[0].amount);

And finally close your contract with a }.

If everything’s been good so far, here’s what your final code should look like:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

import "wormhole-solidity-sdk/WormholeRelayerSDK.sol";

contract HelloToken is TokenSender, TokenReceiver {
    uint256 constant GAS_LIMIT = 250_000;

    constructor(address _wormholeRelayer, address _tokenBridge, address _wormhole)
        TokenBase(_wormholeRelayer, _tokenBridge, _wormhole)

    function quoteCrossChainDeposit(uint16 targetChain) public view returns (uint256 cost) {
        // Cost of delivering token and payload to targetChain
        uint256 deliveryCost;
        (deliveryCost,) = wormholeRelayer.quoteEVMDeliveryPrice(targetChain, 0, GAS_LIMIT);

        // Total cost: delivery cost + cost of publishing the 'sending token' wormhole message
        cost = deliveryCost + wormhole.messageFee();

    function sendCrossChainDeposit(
        uint16 targetChain,
        address targetHelloToken,
        address recipient,
        uint256 amount,
        address token
    ) public payable {
        uint256 cost = quoteCrossChainDeposit(targetChain);
        require(msg.value == cost, "msg.value must be quoteCrossChainDeposit(targetChain)");

        IERC20(token).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount);

        bytes memory payload = abi.encode(recipient);
            targetHelloToken, // address (on targetChain) to send token and payload to
            0, // receiver value
            token, // address of IERC20 token contract

    function receivePayloadAndTokens(
        bytes memory payload,
        TokenReceived[] memory receivedTokens,
        bytes32, // sourceAddress
        bytes32 // deliveryHash
    ) internal override onlyWormholeRelayer {
        require(receivedTokens.length == 1, "Expected 1 token transfers");

        address recipient = abi.decode(payload, (address));

        IERC20(receivedTokens[0].tokenAddress).transfer(recipient, receivedTokens[0].amount);