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Initialising the Project

Setting Up Foundry

Welcome to the world of Ethereum application development with Foundry! Foundry is a powerful, lightning-fast EVM Development toolkit written in Rust. Follow these steps to get started:

Open your terminal and execute the following command:

curl -L | bash

Foundry Installation


forge --help

in the terminal to verify the installation and you’ll get an output similar to this:

Forge Help

Installing Ganache

Ganache is your go-to tool for launching a personal EVM-powered blockchain on your local system. It’s designed for testing purposes to simulate the Ethereum network environment. Let’s get Ganache up and running:

  1. Visit the Official Ganache Website and get the installer file.
  2. Simply run the downloaded file and follow the installation wizard to complete the installation process.
  3. Just spin up a new Ethereum workspace on your local system using the Quickstart option. This will be used to deploy and test the contracts.

Ganache Quickstart

  1. Ganache will provide you with a set of testing wallets and private keys, running locally on

Ganache Accounts

Now that your development environment is all set, let’s dive into writing smart contracts and making it go cross-chain.

Now, get the Private Key of any of the accounts from Ganache and save it as a PATH variable. This will help make our lives easier while deploying the contract.

Ganache Private Key

Into the terminal of the x-mail directory, type

export PRIVATE_KEY='Your Private Key'

Now, you can access your private key from the terminal using the echo command. Just type in


and it will display the same key we had copied.